
Playlist vom 24.12.2019

01. Motörhead - Orgasmatron
02. Firebird - Soul Saviour
03. Steel Mill - Blood Runs Deep
04. Second Sun - Enda Sunda Människan i Världen
05. Monster Truck - Old Train
06. Iron Lamb - Dubious Preacher
07. Backyard Babies - 44 Undead
08. Audrey Horne - Redemption Blues
09. Stonewall Noise Orchestra - Superior No1
10. The Atomic Bitchwax - Its Alright
11. Ghost - Monstrance Clock

Playlist vom 17.12.2019

01. High On Fire - The Black Plot
02. Antisect - Acolyte
03. Into Coffin - Unconquered Light of Nothingness
04. Agnostic Frot - Get Loud
05. Grade2 - Murder Town
06. Traitor - Space Seed
07. Esoteric - Rotting in Dereliction

Playlist vom 10.12.2019

01. Weathered Statues - The Widow Sunday
02. Refused - Turn The Cross
03. Cloak - March Of The Adversery/The Cleansing Fire
04. Mayhem - Bad Blood
05. Sacred Reich - Surf Nicaragua
06. Night Demon - Run For Your Life
07. The Atlas Moth - Galactic Brain
08. Blood Incantation - Awakening from the Dream of Existence to the Multidimensional Nature of Our Reality (Mirror of the Soul)

Playlist vom 03.12.2019

01. Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell
02. Silvertomb - One Of You
03. Denial Of God - Undead Hunger
04. Boris - Jackson Head
05. Arabrot - The Pilgrimage
06. Revel In Flesh - The Hour Of The Avenger
07. Cryptic Brood - Harrowing Hallucinations
08. Sodom - Out Of The Frontline Trench
09. Sacred Reich - Revolution
10. The Kill - Cactus

Playlist vom 26.11.2019

01. Hopesfall - Icarus
02. Prong - Age Of Defiance
03. The Great Old Ones - The Omniscient
04. Avatarium - Voices
05. Annihilator - W.T.Y.D.
06. M:40 - Vid Vansinnets Berg
07. Legion Of The Damned - Son Of The Jackal
08. Strigoi - Phantoms
09. Ulthar - Solitarian
10. Pyramido - Insikten

Playlist vom 19.11.2019

01. Spirit Adrift - We Will Not Die
02. Bullet - Hollow Ground
03. Bölzer - A Shepherd in Wolven Skin
04. Krater - Atmet Asche
05. Psychpunch - I`ll Be Home Tonight
06. D.A.D. - Burning Star
07. Manos - Big Family (Coffee Party)
08. Trap Them - Salted Crypts
09. Ringworm - Carnivores
10. Monolord - The Bastard Son

Playlist vom 12.11.2019

01. Blackmail - Same Sane
02. Beastmilk - The Wind Blows Throught Their Skulls
03. Keres - The Sleeping Master
04. Netherbirds - Mercury Skies
05. Grade2 - Graveyard Island
06. Ceremony - In The Spirit World Now
07. October Tide - I, The Polluter
08. Swallow The Sun - When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light
09. Senseless Apocalypse - Again
10. The County Medical Examiners - Caspers Dictum
11. Ered - Storms

Playlist vom 05.11.2019

01. Dead Lords - The Glitch
02. Kadavar - Evil Forces
03. Alcest - Les Jardin De Minuit
04. 1349 - Through Eyes Of Stone
05. Nile - The Imperishable Stars Are Sickened
06. Bloodboil - Braindamaged
07. Khemmis - Bloodletting
08. Obituary - A Lesson In Vengeance
09. Runemagick - Sorceress Reburned

Playlist vom 29.10.2019

01. One Man Army And The Undead Quartet - Killing Machine
02. Vastum - Dispossessed in Rapture (First Wound)
03. Arx Atrata - An Undying Verse
04. Black Mood - Personal Addiction
05. Haunt - Heros
06. Sweet Oblivion - Sweet Oblivion
07. Infernäl Mäjesty - Skeletons In The Closet
08. Rings Of Saturn - Tormented Consciousness
09. Jade - Dead Stone Mask

Playlist vom 22.10.2019

01. Blood Ceremony - Old Fire
02. Clutch - Spirit Of `76
03. Ossuaire - Sous l`Autel des immaculés
04. Negator - Sangvis Serpentis
05. Coffin Rot - Saw Blade Suicide
06. Visceral Disgorge - Fucked Into Oblivion
07. Cappila Ardiente - The Open Arms The Open Wounds
08. Goatess - Dead City

Playlist vom 15.10.2019

01. Lucifer - Reper On Your Heels
02. Grande Royale - Bring It Up
03. Borknagar - Thunderous
04. Foscor - Els Colors Del Silenci
05. Coffins - Forgotten Cemetery
06. Sinners Bleed - Age Of The Crow
07. Slaughtbbath - Resuscitated by Immortal Scorn
08. NecroticGoreBeast - Autoerotic Rectal Prolapse
09. Crypt Sermon - Our Reverand`s Grave

Playlist vom 08.10.2019

01. The Tex Avery Syndrome - Circle Around The Sun
02. Vandis Ablaze - Hollow Heart
03. Nocturnes Mist - Eyes In Fear
04. Morast - Il Nostro Silenzio
05. Lifeless - Godconstruct
06. Dead - Snakey Brown
07. Toxic Holocaust - Time`s Edge
08. Municipal Waste - Car Nivore (Street Meat)
09. Sacred Reich - Salvation
10. October Tide - We Died In October

Playlist vom 01.10.2019

01. Type O Negative - Green Man
02. Cult Of Luna - The Silent Man
03. Graveyard(ES) - Winds Like Daggers
04. Nile - Seven Horns Of War
05. Isole - The Beholder
06. Ereb Altor - My Demon Inside
07. Black Rain - Dying Breed
08. Steel Panther - Heavy Metal Rules

Playlist vom 24.09.2019

01. The Darkness - Givin`Up
02. Visigoth - Steel And Silver
03. Black Crucification - Of The The Godless And Brave
04. Ellende - Die Wege
05. Devourment - Cognitive Sedation Butchery
06. Visceral Disgorge - Spawn Of Puridity
07. Acid Reign - The New Low
08. War Curse - Sands Of Fate
09. Opeth - Svekets Prins
10. Swallow The Sun - Clouds On Your Side

Playlist vom 17.09.2019

01. New Model Army - Never Arrivin
02. Billy Idol - Cradle Of Love (Live)
03. Atlantean Kodex - People of the Moon (Dawn of Creation)
04. Gutalax - Fart Fart Away
05. Vader - The Black Eye
06. Treedeon - Wendigo
07. Appäratus - Age Of Pigs
08. Control Denied - Expect The Unexpected
09. Grave - And Here I Die...
10. Rainbow - Man On The Silver Mountain

Playlist vom 10.09.2019

01. Strange Within - You Think It`s Fine
02. Fear Factory - Crisis
03. Eternity (Nor) - If Ever I Lived
04. Ctulu - Ctulu Fhtagn
05. Ereb Altor - Queen Of All Seas
06. Tankard - The Morning After
07. Wojchech - Pay To Play
08. Cro-Mags - No One`s Victim
09. Passiv Dödsjälp - Eskapisten
10. Hooded Menace - Charnel Reflections

Playlist vom 03.09.2019

01. Sungrazer - Common Believer
02. Danko Jones - My Little RNR
03. One Hour Hell - Within
04. Illdisposed - What Will I Become?
05. Isole - Beyond The Horizon
06. BruceXCampell - Bruised & Battered
07. Gets Worse - Kool Brewster
08. Coffins - Morification To Ruin
09. Cerebral Rot - Putrefaction (Eternal Decay)
10. Dödsrit - Endless Circle

Playlist vom 27.08.2019

01. Carnifex - World War X
02. Darkest Hour - Demon(s)
03. Black Sabbath - Symptom Of The Universe
04. Hellfueled - Rock`n`Roll
05. Bodyfarm - The Dark Age
06. Fall Of Serenity - Immortal Kingdom
07. Final Breath - Agonized, Zombiefied, Necrotized
08. Hatriot - Organic Remains
09. Molasses - Morning Haze
10. Spiral Skies - Cult

Playlist vom 20.08.2019

01. Wolfmother - Dimension
02. My Uncle The Wolf - March Of The Hung
03. Ossuaire - La Flamme Noire De Ge`henom
04. Venenum - Cold Threat
05. Ignite - Begin Again
06. Myteri - Justitiemord
07. Wormed - Bionic Relic
08. Gruesome - Inhumane
09. Smoulder - The Sword Woman
10. Nekrofilth - Love Me Like A Raptile (Motörhead Cover)
11. Macabre - Nightstalker

Playlist vom 13.08.2019

01. Chrome Division - Endless Nights
02. Burning Gloom - The Tower II
03. Gaahls Wyrd - Ghost Invited
04. Total Hate - Decline Of Human Life - Part II
05. Saxon - Power And The Glory (Live)
06. Grand Magus - Wolf God
07. Full Of Hell - Armory of Obsidian Glass
08. Obscure Infinity - Lightning Spear - (A Forlorn Wanderer Part II)
09. Tomb Mold - Heat Death

Playlist vom 06.08.2019

01. Finch - A Man Alone
02. Black Mood - I`m the Son Of Man
03. Undergang - Håbet er ligblegt
04. Gutalax - Toi Toi Story
05. Jungle Rot - Fearmonger
06. Soilwork - Bleeder Despoiler
07. Intestine Baalism - Tyrant
08. This Gift Is A Curse - Blood Is My Harvest
09. Fredag Den 13:e - Fängslad Mentalt
10. Massgrav - Arbetsmoral
11. Picture - Little Annie
12. Daylight Dies - A Portrait In White

Playlist vom 30.07.2019

01. AHAB - The Isle
02. The Ocean - Cambrian II: Eternal Recurrence
03. Immolation - Rise The Heretics
04. Night Demon - Evil Like A Knife (Midnight Cover Live)
05. Skeletal Remains - Groteque Creation
06. EyeHateGod - Ruptured Heart Theory
07. Waste Of Space Orchestra - Wake Up The Possessor
08. Full Of Hell - Thundering Hammers
09. Axis Of Despair - The Wolven Law
10. Hellsongs - Walk (Pantera Cover)

Playlist vom 23.07.2019

01. Death SS - Black Soul
02. Pristine - Sinnerman
03. Wormwood - Arctic Light
04. Abbath - Land Of Khem
05. Aborted - Blood Fixing The Bled
06. The Arson Project - From The Pits
07. Memoriam - Shell Shock
08. 1914 - A7V Mephisto
09. Ona Snop - Mustard Farm
10. Gets Worse - Hamster Food
11. Encoffination - Robe and Crown

Playlist vom 16.07.2019
(Party.San Open Air Spezial mit Mieze und Jarne vom PSOA) -

01. Hellhammer - Eurynomos
02. Midnight - Evil Like A Knife
03. Krisiun - Scourge - Of The Enthroned
04. Hypocrisy - Killing Art
05. Testament - Native Blood
06. Bloodbath - Bloodicide
07. Legion Of The Damned - Slaughtering The Pig
08. Solstafir - Isafold

Playlist vom 09.07.2019

01. Vuur - My Champion-Berlin
02. Paradise Lost - No Hope In Sight
03. Victims - There`s Blood On The Streets
04. From Sorrow To Serenity - Alight
05. Colour Haze - Skydancer
06. Evergrey - My Allied Ocean
07. Dark Tranquillity - Encircled
08. Profanity - The Great Obstacle
09. Looking For An Answer - La Carne Del Leviatán
10. Code Error - III
11. Locrian - Arc Of Extinction

Playlist vom 02.07.2019

01. Mount Gammaray Burns - Lay Down
02. Osaka Rising - Whiskey Bottle
03. Nashville Pussy - Come On Come On
04. Black Cobra - Eye Among The Blind
05. Amenra - A Solitary Reign
06. Smoke Blow - Alligator Rodeo
07. Mantar - Age Of Absurd
08. The Obsessed - Razor Wire
09. The Great Machine - Love
10. Yawning Man - Virtual Funeral

Playlist vom 25.06.2019

01. From Sorrow To Serenity - Solitude
02. Borders - Wake Up
03. Bullet - Speed And Attack (live)
04. Mystik - Ancient Majesty
05. Uada - Mirrors
06. Noisem - So Below
07. Phillip H. Anselmo & The Illegals - Betrayed
08. Electric Hydra - Retribution
09. Honeymoon Disease - Stargazer
10. Jess By The Lake - The Wait

Playlist vom 18.06.2019

01. Grave Pleasures - Infatuation Overkill
02. Baroness - Seasons
03. Darkthrone - Alp Man
04. Ablaze My Sorrow - When All Is...
05. Possessed - Dominion
06. Perversor - The Dwell
07. Agnostic Front - For My Family
08. Whitesnake - Shut Up - Kiss Me
09. Vader - Grand Deceiver
10. Dawn Of Disease - Leprous Thoughts
11. Titan - Sweet Dreams

Playlist vom 11.06.2019

01. Lamb Of God - Still Echos
02. Terror - Always The Hard Way
03. Ignite - Nothing Can Stop Me
04. Parkway Drive - Prey
05. Cannibal Corpse - Red Before Black
06. Napalm Death - It Failed To Explode
07. Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
08. Knorkator - Alter Mann
09. Amorphis - Amongst Stars
10. Arch Enemy - Nemesis
11. At The Gates - The Chasm
12. Sick Of It All - That Crazy White Boy Shit
13. Crowbar - New Dawn

Playlist vom 04.06.2019

01. Kylesa - Spiral Shadow
02. D.A.D. - The Real Me
03. Ringworm - Death Becomes My Voice
04. Mortals - View From A Tower
05. Death Angel - Humanicide
06. Protector - Steel Caravan
07. Krypts - The Reek Of Loss
08. Putrefied Corpse - Smashed In To Pieces
09. Martyrdöd - Sthlm Syndrome
10. Jesu - Silver

Playlist vom 28.05.2019

01. Black Label Society - Disbelief
02. Lower13 - The Shining Star
03. Sol Sistere - Elemental Chaos
04. Délétère - Babel Insanifusor
05. Blodd Red Throne - Patriotic Hatred
06. Massacre - Dawn Of Eternity
07. Verstärker Tod - Rucksack Mit Perwoll gewaschen
08. Malignant Tumour - Shitfaced
09. Slægt - Black Bombs
10. Saint Vitus - Remains

Playlist vom 21.05.2019

01. In Solitude - Pallid Hands
02. Idle Hands - Jackie
03. Onirophagus - Dark River
04. Path Of Destiny - Two Steps Of Eternity
05. Opprobrium - Dark Days, Dark Times
06. Wreck - Limited Individuality
07. Trovolta - The New Crust
08. Jack - Irgalom Nelkul/No Mercy
09. My Minds Mine - Aftermath
10. Bellrope - TD200

Playlist vom 14.05.2019

01. Hank Von Hell - Blood
02. Torche - Loose Men
03. Inter Arma - A Waxen Sea
04. Ghost Iris - After The Sun Sets Pt.II
05. Sanitys Dawn - Ugly White Trash
06. Arno Duebel - Can Suck It
07. Caca De Luna - Nackte Affen
08. Needfull Things - Silence Is The Key
09. Keitzer - Ascension
10. Parasytic - Ire Of War
11. Katatonia - July
12. Cellar Darling - The Spell
13. The 11th Hour - In The Silent Grave

Playlist vom 07.05.2019

01. Valient Thorr - Night Terrors
02. Voodoo Glow Skulls - Adicción, Tradición, y Revolución
03. Drudkh - His Twenty-Forth Spring
04. Thulsa Doom - Demon Conjurer
05. Traveller - Speed Queen
06. Spirit Adrift - Born Into Fire
07. Hammers Of Misfortune - The Velvet Inquisition
08. Outer Heaven - Bloodspire
09. October Tide - Wie Died In October

Playlist vom 30.04.2019

01. Ecstatic Vision - Keep It Loose
02. Jack Slamer - Turn Down The Light
03. Istapp - Eternal Winter
04. Vltimas - Total Destroy
05. Grand Magus - To Live And Die In Solitude
06. BAT - Wild Fever
07. Nightrage - Wolf To Man
08. Primordial - To Hell Or The Hangman
09. Gods Forsaken - The Dead Laughted
10. Logh - A Sunset Knife Fight

Playlist vom 23.04.2019

01. L.A. Guns - Rage
02. Okkultist - Reinventing Evil
03. Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - A Beseechment Twofold
04. Krisiun - Abysmal Misery (Foretold Destiny)
05. SepticFlesh - Communion
06. Deathrite - Salute To Death
07. Mantar - Seek + Forget
08. Downfall Of Gaia - As Our Bones Break To The Dance
09. Idle Hands - Cosmic Overdrive
10. Hypnos - Sin Collector
11. Inter Arma - Stillness

Playlist vom 16.04.2019

01. Within Temptation - In Vain
02. In Flames - I, The Mask
03. L`Acephale - Sovereignty
04. Revel In Flesh - Torture Throne
05. Usurper - Beyond The Walls Of Ice
06. Cephalic Carnage - Pseudo
07. Converge - Murk & Marrow
08. Reuze - Shut Up And Learn To Walk
09. Oro - Djupets Kall

Playlist vom 09.04.2019

01. Rival Suns - Black Coffee (I.+T.Turner Cover)
02. Queens Of The Stone Age - The Evil Has Landed
03. Thormesis- Chor Der Toten
04. Nusquama - Vuurslag
05. Six Feet Under - Open Coffin Orgy
06. Jungle Rot - Glory For The Fallen
07. Noisem - Penance For The Solipsist
08. Martyrdöd - Cashless Society
09. Nixa - Destroyer
10. Ossuarium - Corrosive Hallucinations

Playlist vom 02.04.2019

01. Therion - Der Mitternachtslöwe
02. Khemmis - Maw Of Time
03. The Black Dahlia Murder - Statutory Ape
04. Fall Of Serenity - Immortal Kingdom
05. Manos - Big Family (Coffee Party)
06. Abjured - Massive Melancholy
07. Ekranoplan - Negative Black
08. Pissgrave - Catacombs Of Putrid Chambers
09. Pallbearer - An Offering Of Grief

Playlist vom 26.03.2019

01. Place Of Skulls - Sense Of Divinity
02. A Pale Horse Named Death - When The World Becomes Undone
03. Fallujah - Departed
04. Misery Index - New Salem
05. Incantation - Viceral Hexahedron
06. Vomitory - Gore Apocalypse
07. Candlemass - Death`s Wheel
08. Manos - Pestilence
09. Swallow The Sun - Never Left

Playlist vom 19.03.2019

01. Refused - Françafrique
02. The Hives - You Got It All...Wrong
03. Ectovoid - Isolation In Mind Continuum
04. JT Ripper - Nightstalker
05. Korpiklaani - Joudaan Viinaa
06. Illdisposed - Sense Of Darkness
07. Slaegt - Perfume And Steel
08. Devil Master - Christ`s Last Hiss
09. Mutoid Man - Bridgeburner
10. Nails - Tyrant
11. Windhand - First To Die

Playlist vom 12.03.2019

01. Unkind - Vihan Lapset
02. At The Gates - A Labyrinth Of Tombs
03. Sol de Sangre - Antes de la creación (Unleashed cover)
04. Pánico al Miedo - Desconéctame (Death cover)
05. Swallow The Sun - The Crimson Crown
06. Manos - Living Burial
07. Abjured - Breed To Numb
08. Alienation Mental - Autogrind
09. Sunrunner - Tracking the Great Spirit
10. Old Man Lizard - Cursed Ocean, Relentless Sea
11. Putrisect - Desolate Infinity

Playlist vom 05.03.2019

01. Dredg - Bug Eyes
02. Zoli Band - A Separate Peace
03. FEN - Tides Of Glass
04. Ferndal - Bringer Der Leere
05. Backyard Babies - 44 Undead
06. Protection Of Hate - New World
07. Hate Squad - Amok
08. Overkill - Last Man Standing
09. Inverloch - Distance Collapsed (In Rubble)

Playlist vom 26.02.2019

01. Vladimir Harkonnen - Reign In Vlad
02. Propagandhi - Call Before You Dig
03. Blodhem - Nordhavs Speil
04. Haunt - Frozen In Time
05. Pounder - Fuck Off and Die
06. Abysmal Dawn - Perfecting Slavery
07. Arsis - Easy Prey
08. Nazareth - Never Dance With The Devil
09. Rippikoulu - Jää hyvästi kaunis kesä

Playlist vom 19.02.2019
(The New Taste !? Radicchio Spezial)

01. S.O.D. - Aren`t You Hungry?
02. S.O.D. - Milk
03. Birdflesh - Our Rice
04. Birdflesh - More Garlic
05. The Vegan Black Metal Chef - Hail Seitan
06. The Spudmonsters - Beer
07. Tankard - (Empty) Tankard
08. The Anchor - The Ghost Inside Make Shepards Pie (The Ghost Inside Cover)
09. Turbonegro - Everybody Loves The Chubby Dude
10. Bloodbath - Eaten
11. We Butter The Bread With Butter - Backe Backe Kuchen
12. Tool - Die Eier von Satan
13. Ahumano Granujo - Dumplins, Cabbage, Techno
14. Pain - Have A Drink On Me
15. Supertramp - Breakfast in America (live)

Playlist vom 12.02.2019

01. Komodor - 1984
02. Backyard Babies - Good Morning Midnight
03. Werian - Hex
04. Necros Christos - Exodos
05. Korpiklaani - Bier Bier feat. Gerre from Tankard
06. Booze Control - Attack Of The Axeman
07. Viral Load - Dog Food Lube
08. Putrid Pile - The Satisfying Dead
09. Soilwork - The Nurturing Glace
10. Murder Construct - Under The Weight Of The Wood

Playlist vom 05.02.2019

01. Our Survival Depends on Us - Gold And Silver
02. Obscenity - Dreadfully Embraced
03. Deadborn - Your Symbol Burns
04. John Diva & The Rockets Of Love - Lolita
05. John Garcia - Flower
06. Eisenvater - Rücksicht
07. Revel In Flesh - Deathkult
08. Deserted Fear - All Will Fall
09. Bellrope - You Must Relax

Playlist vom 29.01.2019

01. Corroded - Breathing
02. GodSkill - Demon Mother
03. Nachtmystium - Silver Lanterns
04. Malevolent Creation - Agony For The Chosen
05. Cryptopsy - Sire Of Sin
06. Flotsam And Jetsam - Slowly Insane
07. Insanity Alert - Cobra Commander
08. Ultramantis Black - Oil And Gas
09. Noisear - Gestapolis
10. Slow - Sorrow`s Shadow

Playlist vom 22.01.2019

01. Dirty Americans - No Rest
02. Evergrey - A Silent Arc
03. Tombs - Cold
04. Sulphur Aeon - The Summoning of Nyarlathotep
05. Cancer - Organ Snatcher
06. Toxic Holocaust - Metal Attack
07. Tomb Of Finland - Beneath The Frozen Depreavity
08. Wolfheart - Breakwater
09. Black Oath - Lilith Black Moon

Playlist vom 15.01.2019

01. Black Country Communion - Black Country
02. Tribulation - Lady Black
03. Cantique Lépreux - Le feu secret
04. This Gift Is A Curse - XI: For I Am the Fire
05. Siege Of Power - Born Into Hate
06. Jungle Rot - Send Forth Oblivion
07. Monster Magnet - Mindfucker
08. Napalm Death - Standardization
09. P.L.F. - Gulf Coast Massacre
10. Complete Failure - Black Glossolalia Bizarre
11. Serpentine Path - House of Worship

Playlist vom 08.01.2019

01. Outlaw - Marauders
02. Ethernity - Artificial Souls
03. Devil Master - Distorted Paths / Fear the Future Gleam
04. Ulthar - Solitarian
05. Brant Bjork - Pisces
06. Flight - Ride On
07. Terrorizer - Trench of Corruption
08. Skeletal Remains - Reconstructive Surgery
09. Demonbreed - Suprema
10. Krisiun - A Thousand Graves
11. Night Gaunt - The Room

Playlist vom 01.01.2019
(Best Of 2018)

01. The Atlas Moth - Coma Noir
02. Necrophobic - Mark Of The Necrogram
03. The Crown - Rise In Blood
04. Judas Priest - Necromancer
05. Necros Christos - Tombstone Chapel
06. UADA - The Purging Fire
07. Idel Hands - Blade And The Will
08. Khemmis - Isolation
09. Skeletonwitch - Temple Of The Sun
10. Deicide - One With Satan
11. Hate Eternal - Upon Desolate Sands
12. The Ocean - Cambrian II: Eternal Recurrence